Healthy Minds Counselling Clinic is a private mental health clinic duly registered under the Rwandan Laws and Licensed by the Ministry of Health to provide specialized mental healthcare services.

Our team is made up of Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrics who have acquired practical skills in treatment and training in human behaviour.
With our clinic, you have the benefit a variety of different clinicians (men, women, young and elders) with a wide range of areas of expertise.
Getting our services can be done through visiting our office located at Remera opposite the College of Medicine of the University of Rwanda during working hours (8AM – 7PM). Our services can also be accessed through a phone call to our office where you will speak to our staff who has some type of training in mental health who will fix your appointment with a counsellor or a therapist. You may also wish to provide some information with the staff about the type of the problem you would like help with and you will have opportunity to ask and have answered any question that you have about the types of services we offer, the length of time before you will be seen and the fees that we charge.